Thursday, August 25, 2016

September Meeting of MOPH Chapter 711


Reminder of our September monthly meeting:
WHO:      You and all Purple Heart Patriots
WHAT:    Monthly Meeting
WHERE:  I-HOP Restaurant, 9651 Trailwood Dr., Summerlin 89145
WHEN:    Saturday, September 3rd.  8:00 am Officers meeting; 10:00 am General Meeting
                  (Breakfast at 9:00 am)
As the Jr Vice Commander for Nevada I attended the MOPH National Convention in Norfolk, VA and will update you on convention happenings.
CHAPTER OFFICERS -- 8 am Officers Meeting,  Please plan on attending. We hope you'll have a report at the General Meeting.
Prior to starting our 10 am meeting we will be presenting the owner of the I-HOP Restaurant in Summerlin with a Purple Heart parking sign he will be installing in the parking lot.
We will have a special speaker for our 10 am General Membership Meeting -- Jim Lytner, founder and COO of the Veterans Transition Resource Center (VTRC) in North Las Vegas not far from the V.A.M.C.  I've heard Jim speak and I attended the opening of the VTRC.  You'll be impressed with what has been accomplished for our veterans thus far.
Adjutant Richard Small and Sr Vice Commander Dick Moyer will be departing for Hanoi, Vietnam, a few days before our September meeting to help build some homes for Vietnamese families.  They have done this in several previous years too.
We are looking for chairmen of two new committees: PURPLE HEART PARKING SIGNS and VETERAN SUICIDE PREVENTION.  More details at the meeting.
Len Yelinek
Commander, Las Vegas Chapter 711
Military Order of the Purple Heart
(702) 362-7673-h    (702) 460-0769-c

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