Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2015 00:35:53 +0000
Subject: Fw: VA Outreach Opportunities & Partnership
Please note: forwarded message attached
From: "Welch, Michael (VACO)" <>
To: "Llamas, Jose" <>
Subject: VA Outreach Opportunities & Partnership
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 15:58:02 -0500
How Old Men Tighten Skin
63 Year Old Man Shares DIY Skin Tightening Method You Can Do From
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Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 15:58:02 -0500
Subject: VA Outreach Opportunities & Partnership
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2015 00:35:53 +0000
Subject: Fw: VA Outreach Opportunities & Partnership
Please note: forwarded message attached
From: "Welch, Michael (VACO)" <>
To: "Llamas, Jose" <>
Subject: VA Outreach Opportunities & Partnership
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 15:58:02 -0500
How Old Men Tighten Skin
63 Year Old Man Shares DIY Skin Tightening Method You Can Do From
--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 15:58:02 -0500
Subject: VA Outreach Opportunities & Partnership
Good afternoon,
As we all know, one of the greatest challenges to let disabled Veterans, disabled members of the Armed Forces, and others know about recreational, therapeutic, rehabilitative and wholelife health Paralympic and adaptive sports opportunities and become effectively engaged is communications. This occurs throughout the spectrum of activities from initial participation, through development of plans and programs, to active participation in elite competition. For organizations such as VA to conduct its Special Events, diverse Adaptive Sports Grant activities and events that involve a complex partnership nationwide, and create opportunities for supporting disabled Veteran athletes participating in the monthly assistance allowance for disabled Veterans training in Paralympic sports (Paralympic allowance), effective communications and partnership is essential. A new VA option is available to aid our efforts.
On Wednesday at 5:00 PM, the VA Adaptive Sports Facebook page was activated and within 24 hours, one of its postings has had 4,088 hits. It's just getting started. Jose Llamas, the lead VA public affairs officer for adaptive sports, established the account and as he explained in an email "…If you're on FaceBook please follow our new account 'Adaptive Sports – U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' and if you have information to share with your Veterans and your event participants this is a great place to start putting information…" So, to help meet our mutual goals and objectives in providing adaptive sports opportunities for disabled Veterans and disabled members of Armed Forces, please submit information on your upcoming events, ongoing activities, success stories and other Paralympic and adaptive sports items that may be relevant to disabled Veterans and disabled members of the Armed Forces to Jose for inclusion on the VA Adaptive Sports Facebook page.

Also, there's the VA Adaptive Sports Instragram account: : @VAAdaptiveSport. If you have photos to post on adaptive sports activities involving disabled Veterans and disabled members of the Armed Forces, this is an option that we're just beginning to utilize to capture their accomplishments and your support.

Plus, there's the VA Adaptive Sports Twitter account: : @VAAdaptiveSport. If you have information, here's another opportunity to get the information out quickly.

So if you have anything applicable for dissemination in either your primary Paralympic and adaptive sports competitions, clinics, camps, training sessions or other items such as general Paralympic and adaptive sports news, facilities and equipment upgrades, classification opportunities, new applicable partnerships, …, please let Jose know. For all of these social media opportunities, we're looking for daily inputs, so let's get this party started.
In addition, the website ( is another option available and VA will continue posting applicable information on our primary website: Jose's contact info follows: Jose Llamas, (202) 632-7130, Please keep us posted and let us know if you have any questions. Thanks.
Michael F. Welch
Paralympic Program Specialist
Office of National Veterans Sports
Programs and Special Events (002C)
Department of Veterans Affairs
Suite 912D
810 Vermont Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20420
Ph: (202) 632-7136
BB: (202) 725-6423
Twitter: @VAAdaptiveSport
Instagram: @VAAdaptiveSport