Monday, May 14, 2018

The following persons were elected and appointed as the 2018-19 Department Officers:

Commander Len Yelinek (711)
Sr. Vice Commander Dan Peterson (730)
Jr. Vice Commander Bill Olds (711)
Adjutant Andy LePeilbet (719)
Finance Officer Ken Santor (719)
Judge Advocate Dave Hugus (730)
Sgt-at-Arms Ron Sharetts (730)
Chaplain Leonard Munoz (719)
Legislative Officer Andy LePeilpet (719)
Chief of Staff Richard Small (711)
Inspector Johnny Waid (711)

Fwd: You're invited and Send Us Your May, Armed Forces or Memorial Day Events!

Southern Nevada Patriots -- Am forwarding an e-mail from the Nevada Department of Veterans Services.  Lotsa stuff here.
Check out the Memorial Day events at the Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Boulder City, on May 26th, May 27th and May 28th
          Also to add to your calendars...
July 4th - Summerlin Independence Day Parade (Chapter 711 is entered, join them)
August 7th - Purple Heart Day.  The Clark County Commissioners will be proclaiming the county a PURPLE HEART COUNTY during their Commissioners meeting that morning.  Chapter 711 will be presenting the County a 3x5 flag to be flown each Purple Heart Day plus patriotic holidays.  We'll present a wall plaque commemorating the proclamation plus a couple of "Combat Wounded" reserved parking signs.
September 8th - Armed Forces, Veterans and First Responder's Appreciation Day at Craig Ranch Regional Park
Len Yelinek